Useful information about posted workers in construction has been presented by the European Labour Authority



A new leaflet with useful information for the posted workers in construction has been distributed by the European Labour Authority. "Posted workers in the construction sector - Learn what rights and obligations you have" is also available online in all official languages of the European Union, including Bulgarian. It has also been translated into non-Community languages.

The leaflet also provides information on what posted workers should be aware of in order to ensure that their rights are not violated, as well as the contacts of the national offices to which they can turn in case of a problem. The leaflets will be shared with workers during inspections of construction sites and in connection with information activities in the Member States.

In the beginning of 2023, the European Labour Authority announced that in 2023 it would focus on the construction sector. Data were also presented that this sector is the largest employer in the European Union, with 13 million workers directly employed. The provisions of the Bulgarian social security legislation apply to all posted workers who have an A1 portable document. They can work on the territory of another member state, while remaining covered by the social security system in the sending state.

The European Labour Authority has announced a number of planned activities for 2023, including the creation of a coordinated information and awareness campaign on posting in the construction sector. The campaign will be launched later this year, with the main aim of bridging information gaps for posted workers and their employers about their rights and obligations.

The leaflets are available on this link: